Monday 6 November 2017

20 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do

When I'm not doing blog associated tasks, I'm pretty much a blob on the couch snacking while watching Sex and the City re-runs. That's just one of the many ways I like to spend my free time, and I know some of you can totally relate! Today I wanted to write up a list of things that you too can do to get you out of that mind numbingly state of pure boredom, and avoid getting stuck watching terrible midday movies. 

1. Go for a walk around the park
2. Get in touch with a friend for a casual lunch or coffee
3. Organize/declutter your wardrobe or beauty collection
4. Have a play with some makeup
5. Exercise 
6. Read a book or magazine
7. Binge watch a new TV series 
8. Have a movie marathon
9. Colour, draw or play with watercolours
10. Take a bubble bath
11. Bake
12. Go window shopping
13. Spend the day in the city
14. Chores around the house - someone's gotta do 'em!
15. Put together a puzzle
16. Pamper yourself
17. Visit family
18. Catch up on YouTube videos or blog posts
19. Take up a new hobby
20. Start a DIY project 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

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